
Fact A Day
April 14

Spencer Williams (July 14, 1893 – December 13, 1969) was an African American actor and filmmaker. He was best known…

Fact A Day
April 15

Asa Philip Randolph, civil rights leader and founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, was born in Crescent City,…

Fact A Day
April 17

Mifflin Wistar Gibbs, businessman, politician, and the first elected African American municipal judge, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After the…

Fact A Day
April 18

James McCune Smith, physician, abolitionist and author, was born in New York City. After graduating from the African Free School,…

Fact A Day
April 20

With passage of the Third Force Act, popularly known as the Ku Klux Act, Congress authorizes President Ulysses S. Grant…

Fact A Day
April 21

George Washington Murray, former Congressman and inventor, died. Murray was born enslaved on September 22, 1853 in Sumter County, South…

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