March 6
March 6, 1857 The United States Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford, commonly…
March 6, 1857 The United States Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford, commonly…
The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church or the AME Zion Church is a historical African…
March 8, 1825 Alexander Thomas Augusta, surgeon, professor of medicine, and Civil War veteran, was…
March 9, 1933 Lloyd Price, Rock and Roll and R & B singer, was born…
March 10, 1913 Harriet Tubman, abolitionist, Union Army spy, and suffragist, died. Born Araminta Ross…
March 11, 1917 Robert Lee Carter, civil rights activist and judge, was born in Careyville,…
March 13, 2011 The Cowtown/Work to Ride polo team out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania became the…
March 13, 1911 James Theodore Holly, missionary and the first African American Bishop in the…
March 14, 1977 Fannie Lou Townsend Hamer, voting rights activist and civil rights leader, died.…
Born Harriet E. “Hattie” Adams in Milford, New Hampshire, she was the mixed-race daughter of…